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Wix Studio Tab

Stay connected to Wix Studio and ahead of the creative curve with the freshest content from across the platform—all in one place.

The Wix Studio Tab extension serves up the latest feature releases, tutorials, blog articles, expert webinars, inspirational sites and more, in a sleek home page that's updated daily, so you never miss a beat. Discover new insights, ideas and skills every time you open a tab. You can seamlessly switch between Google Search and Wix Search, access your client sites in a click and add your favorite website shortcuts to make Wix Studio Tab instantly feel like home.

As seen on:

A community pushing
the boundaries of


A community pushing
the boundaries of

A global community of cross-disciplinary designers, from web and UI/ UX to product design

A global community of cross-disciplinary designers, from web and UI/ UX to product design

A community for professional web designers and agency founders who want to double their business without doubling their efforts

A community for professional web designers and agency founders who want to double their business without doubling their efforts

Connect with experienced freelancers for free guidance and feedback.

Connect with experienced freelancers for free guidance and feedback.

A professional space for marketing professionals to learn and grow their business

A professional space for marketing professionals to learn and grow their business

A community for web developers looking for the newest tools in web design

A community for web developers looking for the newest tools in web design

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